This week is Thanksgiving, so it’s totally pertinent that our topic this week is being thankful. I am so grateful and thankful for the ability to create this extraordinary podcast, the conscious pharmacist podcast.





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What you will learn

  • Being Thankful
  • Being Conscious
  • Happy Thanksgiving

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This week is Thanksgiving, so it’s totally pertinent that our topic this week is being thankful. I am so grateful and thankful for the ability to create this extraordinary podcast, the conscious pharmacist podcast. This is episode 27 and we started this podcast and it basically been having it now for 27 weeks. We’ve become part of the great, pharmacy podcast network. I’m part of Todd’s network and it is extraordinary.

I am so thankful for this podcast for all the clients of Amish RX consulting and for all my patients who through the years have spurred me on. Help me create this great podcast. The business and to be able to effect change in their lives and help them by being conscious, by being available, by listening to what’s going on with our patients, we can really make changes in their lives.

Our greatest achievement this year at MichRX Consulting has really been the evolution of the Ubuntu pharmacist care program and the implementation of the program in taking care of people living with HIV and other specialty and chronic diseases and making a huge difference in their lives.

At the conscious pharmacist podcast, we really strive to keep these short and sweet, something you can listen to, take a little tidbit home and maybe change something in your practice, in your ability to take care of your patients in your day to day dealings with them. We’ve also had some extraordinary guests. I, I’m very fortunate to have dr Sally Rafi as a guest on our show this year she’s the birth control pharmacist.

We have had two episodes with dr Christina medicine, the public health pharmacist talking about public health, human trafficking, taking care of LGBTQ clients and also Phillip Yeager, the CEO and executive director of radiant health centers here in Irvine, Orange County and the great programs and expansion that’s going on at radiant.

And one of the great programs that I am so proud to be part of is the OCE teller or program, the rapid start program in Orange County that we’ve really utilized technology and be able to do it in a telehealth format so that we’re going to pharmacist’s K program and our programs here at mission. Our eggs are really designed to reach and take care of as many patients as possible.

While I could have face to face interactions with my patients right here in Orange County or in Southern California, we want to reach clients and patients across the nation and we do that via our telehealth modality in the Ubuntu pharmacist care program. So I am so grateful. I am so thankful as I go through my daily business taking care of my patients. And remember we’ve talked about that before. So is burnout, burnout, and taking care of ourselves.

First, putting our oxygen mask on first before we can put the oxygen mask on. Our team members, our family members, and our patients. We have to take care of ourselves. So in order to be more conscious in our day to day interactions, remember, take care of yourselves.

For those of you who haven’t seen my recent, posts on there, it’s on my Instagram, which is @consciouspharmacist. All my whale watching photos, my Sunset photos. Being conscious, being one and part with nature. Being able to sit and meditate to center myself, I can then take care of it with my team members, my family, my clients, my patients. You can do the same. Be conscious. So as we go into this week of Thanksgiving, I am so thankful for all of you, for my life and for the blessings we have. And we can see in every little thing that we do every day. Have an amazing Thanksgiving. Enjoy the time with your family and everything that you want to do. I am grateful. I am thankful. I’m thankful to all of you.

Remember be the change.