It’s nothing new to see doctors and pharmacies cook up elaborate schemes to commit Medicare, Medicaid and ADAP fraud.
These unscrupulous, illegal behaviors ultimately affect us all by causing increased healthcare costs, draining programs of critical funds that must be used sparingly to spread the ability to provide good care across their member pool.
There have been many reports of HIV drug diversion rings and arrests in New York and Florida, but the article from a few days ago in the South Florida Business Journal is particularly disturbing.
There must be better screening and oversight to ensure that those individuals being prescribed antiretroviral regimens are in fact HIV positive in the first place and that a Medicare beneficiary be enrolled in ONLY one plan.
Please read the entire article here”HIV Drug Fraud in Medicare Plagues Miami’
Remember Scrupulous behavior and kickbacks such as payments, iPhones, iPads etc are ILLEGAL. It is our role as pharmacists to protect our patients and do no harm.