Learn from Michelle Sherman, an expert in HIV Specialized Pharmacy Management.

Having an effective Pharmacy Management System in place can be an essential aspect of your business. You can pharmacy managementincrease your pharmacy’s profits by becoming an expert in the HIV niche. Here are 5 ways that you can best fulfill patient’s needs for their HIV medications and treatment and improve your pharmacy management systems.

1. Decrease The Initial “Freak Out”

When patients first find out that they have contracted a life-threatening virus, they may be thrown into a state of complete and utter depression, and possibly a confused and manic state. Decrease the “freak out” by helping patients stay calm and explaining to them that you and your team are there to help.

2.  Pharmacy Management Consists Of Showing Patients That You Are An Expert Willing To Help Them

With thousands of pharmacists out there, patients are looking for the pharmacy management team they can trust.

A pharmacist is a vital member of the health care team of a patient and it is very important that they feel comfortable with a pharmacist and the staff. Patients must feel comfortable enough to be able to ask them ANY question with regards to their medications. Through excellent pharmacy management service and care, you must show your patient that you are willing to help them fight this lifelong battle with them!

3. Inform Patients About Taking ALL of Their Medications On Time

pharmacy management informationIt is important that patients are aware of the repercussions of skipping a dose of their medications. Let them know to keep a 95-100% compliance with doses or they will fail.

4. Instruct How to Handle Side Effects

Patients may become very ill from the medications that they are being prescribed. As an HIV specialized pharmacist, you must teach patients how to go about handling a multitude of side etc.

5.  Ensure That Patients are 100% Honest About Drugs and Other Activities

Keeping open communication with your patients about what medications they are taking, or possibly street drugs and pharmacy management onlineother substances. Drug interactions that are not communicated and documented could be very detrimental or fatal to your patient. Keep trust and open communication to ensure safety. Make sure that they know you are working to make sure that everything is covered on insurance, and help come up with solution if there is a discrepancy. Always be respectful and completely non-judgmental to your all of your patients.

A Message from HIV Medications and Pharmacy Management Expert, Michelle Sherman;

“It is extremely important that the Specialty Pharmacy that you select, is a member of the community and/or is very involved and committed to the HIV Community.

The pharmacy must support local events and activities in the community and at local AIDS Service Organizations. The compassion and commitment of the pharmacy is exhibited in their involvement and work in the community”

Pharmacy Management Resources

Pharmacy Management-HIV Patients looking for HIV Medications- Please direct to www.MICHRx.com

If you are concerned that you may have contracted the HIV or AIDS virus:

Go To local or county STD Testing Center for anonymous HIV Testing or locate a local Gay & Lesbian Center

By visiting http://www.HIVTEST.org

For more information about working with Michelle Sherman, visit her website at www.MichRXConsulting.com and find out more about pharmacy management.